Hula Hoop Students Book 1 - Envío Gratuito Ver más grande

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Hula Hoop Students Book 1


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$ 286 IVA incl.

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  • MarcaPORRÚA
  • Modelo9786074731941
  • Año2014
  • AutorPeimbert, Lorena
  • Edición1
  • EditorialMacmillan Edrs /Macmillan Pub
  • FormatoRústico
  • Género LiterarioFilosofia y ciencia
  • IdiomasFrancés
  • Páginas121
  • SinopsisHula Hoop helps very young lerners at they take their first steps in english. Focusing on themes that are relevant to them, children are given opportunities to see, sing, say, and readly use new language in a fun, supported context. The series takes the children?s developmental needs into account by offering a careful grading of activities. Hula Hoop?s components: Hula Hoop Nursery Hula Hoop 1 Hula Hoop 2 Hula Hoop 3 Hula Hoop Teacher?s edition Class Audio with printable materials